Receive tips on WordPress for the content on your blog or news site with instant 1-click payments (BitCoin Cash 0 conf).
Advantages & Features:
- earn tips from your content
- add tip buttons for voluntary donations or
- hide parts of your posts to require users to tip
- AdBlock detection: show custom message to AdBlock users
- 0 coding skills required
Example: (QR code example here)
This plugin is available in the WordPress plugin store. You can install it directly from your WordPress admin panel under Plugins -> Add New. Don’t forget to rate it;)
Easy Setup:
- just enter your BCH address in WP admin panel. That’s all!
- add tip buttons to posts by typing a shortcode:
- ability to hide content until donation:
- a powerful way to sell digital media such photos, embedded videos, etc…
- automatically insert tip buttons at the end of posts/pages
Advanced Features:
- set limits how many hidden posts new users can view (cookie based)
- customize the text before the buttons
- set daily/weekly/monthly full-access passes for all your hidden content
- setup donation goals for posts to make them fully available for free
- setup expiry times to make old posts available for free
- show ads for users who have made 0 donations
- include a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) faucet on the bottom of the page to increase your revenue and BCH adoption
- show hidden contents to search engines (only hide it with CSS)
- Memcached support for high traffic sites (>50k users daily)
- Blurry Images: Blur images instead of hiding text to encourage users to send a tip to see the clear version of the image.
- Shout: Enable your users to post Tweets to your Twitter timeline or messages and memes on a popular place on your website for a small tip.
- Woocommerce Gateway: Add a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) payment option to your online store.
- SLP Press: Reward your readers by sending them SLP tokens for frequently reading your content.
The plugin configuration in WordPress admin panel:

Please translate this plugin into your language – 0 coding skills required, all done in your web browser.